Fuel Transaction Outputs

Fetch transaction outputs from the last 10000 blocks for a given address which are currently unspent.

curl -s --location --request GET \
    "https://app.pangea.foundation/v1/api/transactions/outputs?chains=FUEL&from_block=-10000&unspent_at=latest&address__in=0xfe003f090b885be6f27991fef66d7d4bc0aeac94fa6dea12ab6c6eb84e471f34" \
    --header "Accept: application/jsonstream" \
    --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip" --compressed \
    --header "Authorization: Basic $PANGEA_AUTH" | jq


    "chain": 9889,
    "block_number": 3419263,
    "block_hash": "0xde4c50943696328d696c69636d3be33c8463745f7593e5f899ff53482fb72931",
    "transaction_hash": "0xd5590054a2ace6563293446a07139360afb967688fc243af1a87587797818a9a",
    "output_type": "Change",
    "utxo_id": "0xd5590054a2ace6563293446a07139360afb967688fc243af1a87587797818a9a0004",
    "to": "0xfe003f090b885be6f27991fef66d7d4bc0aeac94fa6dea12ab6c6eb84e471f34",
    "amount": "0xd10297",
    "asset_id": "0xf8f8b6283d7fa5b672b530cbb84fcccb4ff8dc40f8176ef4544ddb1f1952ad07",
    "input_index": null,
    "balance_root": null,
    "state_root": null,
    "contract_id": null

Query Parameters


  • chains: This parameter is used to filter the data by specific blockchain networks.
  • from_block: This parameter is used to filter the data by a starting block number.
  • to_block: This parameter is used to filter the data by an ending block number.
  • unspent_at: This parameter is used to filter the data by returning all unspent utxo at a given block height.
  • address__in / contractid__in / identity__in: This parameter is used to filter the data by a list of addresses.