Uniswap V2 API

Uniswap V2 is a constant function market maker where tokens are swapped at a price on the constant function curve.

reserve0 * reserve1 = k

Liquidty providers receive an LP Token for the Pair for adding tokens in the correct proportions of reserve0 and reserve1. In return a new LP Token for the Pair is received. Fees are accumulated in reserve0 and reserve1 redeemable by LP Token holders making it a passive income strategy. Traders need to know the volumes of reserve0 and reserve1 to build a quote for a swap.

amount1 = amount0 * reserve1 / reserve0

Pangea provides comprehensive coverage of Uniswap V2 Pairs and Prices to empower traders, liquidity providers, and integrators.

This toolbox covers Uniswap V2 and all of its forks, cross chain.