Uniswap V3 Positions

Fetch mint and burn events.

curl -s --location --request GET \
    "https://app.pangea.foundation/v1/api/uniswap/v3/positions?chains=ETH&pool_address__in=0x88e6a0c2ddd26feeb64f039a2c41296fcb3f5640&from_block=-100&to_block=latest" \
    --header "Accept: application/jsonstream" \
    --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip" --compressed \
    --header "Authorization: Basic $PANGEA_AUTH" | jq


    "chain": 1,
    "block_number": 18842611,
    "block_hash": "0xc97e2a9ad3082911051ecdbe19ad00ef6585eb21fdce12062de1de2765151c03",
    "transaction_hash": "0x3e94bc7f7868fe720ffe5e00fdfe6101352bc35ed37d00846299d04a63892d81",
    "transaction_index": 10,
    "log_index": 54,
    "timestamp": 1703262947,
    "event": "Burn",
    "sender": "0x51c72848c68a965f66fa7a88855f9f7784502a7f",
    "recipient": "0x51c72848c68a965f66fa7a88855f9f7784502a7f",
    "tick_lower": 198810,
    "tick_upper": 198820,
    "amount": 435410574775573100000,
    "amount0": 7261552.486624,
    "amount1": 1390.2097598917737,
    "pool_address": "0x88e6a0c2ddd26feeb64f039a2c41296fcb3f5640"

Query Parameters


  • chains: This parameter is used to filter the data by specific blockchain networks.
  • from_block: This parameter is used to filter the data by a starting block number.
  • to_block: This parameter is used to filter the data by an ending block number.
  • pool_address__in: This parameter is used to filter the data by a list of pool addresses.
  • sender__in: This parameter is used to filter the data by a list of sender addresses.
  • recipient__in: This parameter is used to filter the data by a list of recipient addresses.
  • amount0__gte: This parameter is used to filter the data by a value greater than or equal to the minimum amount0 value.
  • amount0__lte: This parameter is used to filter the data by a value less than or equal to the maximum amount0 value.
  • amount1__gte: This parameter is used to filter the data by a value greater than or equal to the minimum amount1 value.
  • amount1__lte: This parameter is used to filter the data by a value less than or equal to the maximum amount1 value.
  • amount__gte: This parameter is used to filter the data by a value greater than or equal to the minimum amount value.
  • amount__lte: This parameter is used to filter the data by a value less than or equal to the maximum amount value.
  • tick_lower__gte: This parameter is used to filter the data by a value greater than or equal to the minimum tick_lower value.
  • tick_lower__lte: This parameter is used to filter the data by a value less than or equal to the maximum tick_lower value.
  • tick_upper__gte: This parameter is used to filter the data by a value greater than or equal to the minimum tick_upper value.
  • tick_upper__lte: This parameter is used to filter the data by a value less than or equal to the maximum tick_upper value.
  • tick__gte: This parameter is used to filter the data by a value greater than or equal to the minimum tick_lower value.
  • tick__lte: This parameter is used to filter the data by a value less than or equal to the maximum tick_upper value.