Fuel Messages
Fetch messages for blocks 5000000
to 5001000
curl -s --location --request GET \
"https://app.pangea.foundation/v1/api/messages?chains=FUEL&from_block=5000000&to_block=5001000" \
--header "Accept: application/jsonstream" \
--header "Accept-Encoding: gzip" --compressed \
--header "Authorization: Basic $PANGEA_AUTH" | jq
"chain": 9889,
"block_number": "0x4c4e0f",
"block_hash": "0x73351f44b2a90ad9ab778fccf43c6e472e46e4206053e4eb51f35a913e541573",
"da_block_number": 21060813,
"message_type": "Incoming",
"sender": "0x00000000000000000000000019b5cc75846bf6286d599ec116536a333c4c2c14",
"recipient": "0x8e15dcbeacde4019efeb8a0c3976536926330de4d454e718edc2471b16ec4c09",
"nonce": "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002c2f0",
"amount": 8015239,
"data": "0x"
Query Parameters
: Filters the data by specific blockchain networks.from_block
: Filters the data by a starting block number.to_block
: Filters the data by an ending block number.from_da_block_number
: Filters the data by a starting data availability block number.to_da_block_number
: Filters the data by a starting data availability block number.sender__in
: Filters the data by a list ofsender
: Filters the data by a list ofrecipient
: Filters the data byamount
using the greater than or equal to operator.amount__lte
: Filters the data byamount
using the less than or equal to operator.message_type__in
: Filters the data by a list ofmessage_type