Fuel Blocks

Fetch the last 10 blocks.

curl -s --location --request GET \
    "https://app.pangea.foundation/v1/api/blocks?chains=FUEL&from_block=-10&to_block=latest" \
    --header "Accept: application/jsonstream" \
    --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip" --compressed \
    --header "Authorization: Basic $PANGEA_AUTH" | jq


    "chain": 9889,
    "block_number": "0x342931",
    "hash": "0x1f0546ba24e47491144bd3f12166c25dbd219e0cc98f0249cae66d81af264654",
    "parent_hash": "0xa649ff0c4053e2dbe1bfd01a36ec2fa641ca49051bad6a3943257865c63f8d3c",
    "da_block_number": "0x13f5814",
    "transactions_root": "0x98a06264b0e5c7b90d061c1677310efab97ca5b914eb62587c45cc450e49e929",
    "transactions_count": 1,
    "message_receipt_count": 0,
    "message_outbox_root": "0xe3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",
    "event_inbox_root": "0xe3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",
    "timestamp": 1728483989

Query Parameters


  • chains: This parameter is used to filter the data by specific blockchain networks.
  • from_block: This parameter is used to filter the data by a starting block number.
  • to_block: This parameter is used to filter the data by an ending block number.
  • from_da_block_number: This parameter is used to filter the data by a starting data availability block number.
  • to_da_block_number: This parameter is used to filter the data by an ending data availability block number.